Episode 58:Barn Boundaries Mini Workshop (Replay)

https://www.amberlydic.com/Barnboundaries -

The meeting featured Amber Lydic and Shayleigh Evans introducing themselves and their backgrounds, highlighting their interest in discussing barn boundaries.

- Amber emphasized themes of belonging, safety, and deservingness without needing to earn it, sharing personal stories about boundary struggles in relationships and the profound messages conveyed by animals.

- Shayleigh shared experiences with negative mentors and lessons learned from horses about setting boundaries.

- The speakers discussed the importance of understanding and setting boundaries for personal empowerment and relationship dynamics.

- They emphasized respecting personal and equine boundaries, promoting self-awareness and open-heartedness, and drawing parallels between human and equine behavior.

- The conversation also touched on understanding energy and emotional core wounds in human-horse interactions, advocating for a holistic approach to horse care. - Shayleigh elaborated on different core wounds horses may experience, highlighting how they mirror human emotions and behaviors and can improve communication and relationships with horses.

- The meeting included practical exercises for participants to articulate boundaries and receive real-time feedback.

- Despite internet connectivity issues, the speakers continued sharing valuable insights and engaging in discussions, creating a humorous moment that highlighted technology's impact on virtual meetings.

If you are ready you join us for the DEEP DIVE on March 23rd you have until March 20th at midnight!